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Custom Programs

Custom Programs

Technology Watch

Content: A detailed report focused on your industry or technology of interest.


Objective: Understand industry trends and disruptive technologies and evaluate their impact on your business.


Reports Examples: Digital Health at CES, The State of AI, New Technologies for Aerospace and Defense, The Mobility Revolution, Distributed Energy and the Evolution of the Grid.

Startup Scouting

Content: A selection and introduction to 10-15 cutting-edge startups based on your criteria.


Objective: Spot disruptive startups, technologies and business models and implement new partnerships.


Scouting Examples: Augmented reality for industrial maintenance, electric vehicles and distributed energy resources, optical solutions for aerospace, smart logistics software.

Call for Applications

Content: A tailor-made call for applications involving one or several stakeholders. The program targets startups, corporations, and academia who can offer innovative solutions on a strategic topic.


Objective: Identify and select future partners to experiment with cutting-edge solutions in a sandbox setting in the Paris Region.


Examples: Re.Invent Air Mobility, Safe Travel Challenge, H2 Hub Airport.

Learn more about our calls for applications

Learning Expedition

Content: A tailor-made multi-day program in a North American innovation ecosystem for your executive team.


Objective: Engage with entrepreneurs, key opinion leaders, and peers to discuss the impact of technology disruption, and apply insights for digital transformation and personal growth. 


Learning Expedition Examples: Disruption in Mobility and Logistics, The Impact of AI and Blockchain in Supply Chain, The Future of Work, AI in Healthcare.